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Harness Your Authenticity: A Journey of Self-Honesty and Empowerment

Welcome, beautiful souls. I am Wintress Patrice, your Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Life Coach and founder of IAWP Life Coaching LLC. Today, I’d like to share a deeply resonant truth with you: “Be honest with yourself about what you really want to accomplish, sometimes we make goals based on what others think we should do.”

Oftentimes, we find ourselves adrift in the sea of societal expectations, silently nudged towards ambitions that might not necessarily reflect our true desires. This is where the power of NLP can help in cultivating self-awareness, allowing us to identify, question, and redefine these external influences that may be steering our life course.

NLP modalities are versatile, adaptive, and uniquely equipped to provide us with tools to explore the depths of our consciousness. By leveraging NLP, we can dive deep into our minds, separate our own desires from those imposed upon us, and form authentic goals that resonate with our true selves.

Are you setting goals based on your genuine desires or are you living through someone else’s script? We often gravitate towards certain goals because of societal expectations or familial pressures. Being honest with oneself requires courage, the willingness to face the uncomfortable, and step away from the shadow of others’ expectations.

Through NLP techniques such as reframing, anchoring, and mental contrasting, we can tap into our subconscious mind, where most of our beliefs, values, and fears reside. We can then confront the borrowed dreams that have clouded our vision and replace them with our authentic aspirations.

Reframing is about altering our perception of experiences and situations, transforming our viewpoint from negative to positive. Instead of looking at our past through a lens of regret or resentment, we can perceive it as a series of learning experiences that have shaped our current resilience.

Anchoring, another potent NLP technique, allows us to attach positive emotions and states of mind to certain stimuli or triggers. By creating these “anchors”, we can access a state of empowerment, confidence, or motivation whenever we need it, guiding us towards our true goals.

Mental contrasting involves envisioning your future, the one you genuinely desire, and contrasting it with your present reality. This technique can create a profound desire for change and progress, propelling you towards your authentic goals.

When we adopt these NLP modalities, we begin to free ourselves from the chains of externally imposed expectations and embark on a path to attain the goals that truly resonate with us. And as we journey down this path, we empower not just ourselves, but also those around us.

Season 2 of QTO – Queen Talk Only Podcast is now streaming with new episodes every Sunday morning. This season, we’re focusing on sharing stories that embody personal growth, triumph over adversity, and valuable insights that can transform lives.

I invite you, the incredible queen or king reading this, to share your empowering story with our audience. Let your voice echo in our community, touching hearts and inspiring souls. Let’s weave together a rich tapestry of experiences and lessons that will serve as a beacon of hope, resilience, and empowerment.

Reach out to me by texting 267-571-6689 or emailing [email protected]. Let’s set up your interview, share your unique journey, and amplify the power of your story. Remember, your voice matters, your story is impactful, and you have the potential to inspire and empower others.

Show your love and support by sharing this article with someone who can benefit from these insights and my services. Encourage them to explore the power of NLP and authenticity, as they navigate the path of life and self-growth.

Remember to visit and schedule your free 30-minute Zoom consultation. This is your opportunity to delve into NLP, learn more about its modalities, and identify how it can assist you in your journey towards self-discovery and self-improvement.

Follow @WintressPatrice on Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok for daily motivational content, self-help tips, and insights into the realm of NLP. Join our community of queens & kings supporting and uplifting each other.

In conclusion, embracing authenticity and honesty within oneself forms the cornerstone of personal empowerment and success. Through the power of NLP, we can decipher our true desires and create a path that leads us towards our authentic goals. Remember, the journey towards self-honesty and empowerment starts with you.

Sending you love and light on your journey. Stay empowered, stay authentic, and remember, your voice and story are invaluable. So, let’s connect, share, and grow together.

Embracing Life’s Duality: Unleashing Your Authentic Self Through Lifelong Learning and Affirmations

I never stop learning: from my own mistakes and the mistakes of others


Hello, Beautiful Souls – queens and kings of your own universe. As your trusted Certified NLP Life Coach, Wintress Patrice, I am excited to guide you on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. One of the affirmations I hold dear is: “I never stop learning: from my own mistakes and the mistakes of others.” This statement is a testament to the human spirit’s resilient nature, always learning, always growing, constantly seeking ways to improve and evolve.

Life, my dear souls, is all about duality. Each day, we confront numerous situations where we are given the choice to perceive the negative or positive. Seeing the positive is an intentional act, a transformative decision that can shift your perspective and empower you to live authentically and unapologetically.

This journey may not always be easy, but remember: you are not alone. At IAWP Life Coaching, LLC, we are committed to supporting you through every stage of your personal development journey. Whether you’re starting fresh or struggling to keep moving forward, we are here to guide you.

Powerful tools like affirmations, self-talk, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and other life coaching modalities can make a significant impact on your self-development journey. They help create a positive mindset, increase self-esteem, and support your transformation to an authentic, powerful self.

But how can we utilize these tools effectively? Let’s start with affirmations, a potent way to counter the negative self-talk that often clouds our minds. Consistently reinforcing positive self-affirmations helps in rewiring our brains to believe in our abilities and embrace our worth. Say it loud and clear: “I am learning, growing, and evolving every day.”

NLP, a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal, is another beneficial modality. It relies on the idea that our perceptions of the world influence our reactions to the world. By shifting our perceptions, we can improve our reactions and results.

In the realm of life coaching, we work together to identify your core values, recognize your strengths, and develop a plan to overcome your weaknesses. By facing and understanding your past mistakes, you can turn them into powerful lessons and stepping stones to a brighter future.

Self-talk, often underrated, can greatly influence our mental health. Remember, the conversations you have with yourself can either propel you forward or pull you back. Always choose words that uplift you, encourage you, and push you toward your highest potential.

Now, my beautiful souls, I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute zoom consultation on my website, Together, we can develop a plan tailored to your needs, supporting you on your self-development journey.

For further growth and inspiration, I invite you to join me in the latest season of QTO – Queen Talk Only Podcast: Embrace Your Crown, Empower Your Reign! This podcast is all about empowering you, my queens and kings, to step into your full potential and live a life of purpose, confidence, and self-love.

In our second season, we’ll explore a wide range of topics that uplift and inspire. Each episode, released every Sunday morning, is packed with insightful interviews, practical tips, and powerful techniques to help you overcome challenges, embrace your authentic self, and unleash your inner power.

And yes, you heard it right: I want to hear from you! Your stories, your triumphs, your insights – they matter. Share them with our community. Together, we can create a supportive, nurturing environment for everyone on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

I encourage you to share this article on your socials, comment below, and follow @WintressPatrice on Facebook, LinkedIn, & TikTok. Sharing helps create a community of mutual growth, where we can all learn from each other’s experiences.

Remember, life is about continuous learning and growth. Embrace the duality of life, see the positive in every situation, and live authentically. As always, continue to be unapologetically you, knowing that each step you take is a testament to your strength and resilience.

With love and light, Wintress Patrice, your Certified NLP Life Coach, Founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC.

The Power of ‘No’: Creating Boundaries through Self-Love and Affirmations

I can and should say “no” without any excuses when I want to


Hello Beautiful Souls,

As your Certified NLP Life Coach, I want to take a moment to honor you, the queens and kings who are committed to personal growth and authenticity. I’m Wintress Patrice, the founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC, and today, I want to talk about the life-changing power of a simple word: “no”. I want to guide you on a journey of self-love, and self-respect, where you learn to set boundaries and understand that saying ‘no’ is a complete sentence.

Each of us, in our journey, has had moments where we wished we had said ‘no’. But fear, guilt, or the desire to please kept us silent. Yet, it’s essential to remember that your voice matters. We teach others how to love us by the way that we love ourselves. And the affirmation, “I can and should say ‘no’ without any excuses when I want to,” is a potent step on this journey.

Your self-talk plays a significant role in your journey. The affirmations you choose, and the way you communicate with yourself impacts the path you tread. As an NLP Life Coach, I’ve seen how Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can transform lives, building an inner dialogue that nurtures growth, resilience, and empowerment.

At IAWP Life Coaching, we’re dedicated to helping you harness this power, guiding you in your journey of self-discovery and growth. Our services are tailored for those starting or struggling with their journey to self-love, and we offer a free 30-minute zoom consultation. Simply head over to to schedule it.

Sharing your experiences helps not just you but also others on a similar path. So, please take a moment to share this article on your social media platforms. Encourage conversations about self-love, and personal boundaries. Remember, every queen and king deserves to be heard.

As you share your experiences, don’t forget to follow @WintressPatrice on Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Here, you’ll find a community of Beautiful Souls, sharing their journey and insights, uplifting each other as they tread the path to self-discovery and growth.

The journey to self-love is a rewarding, albeit challenging one. There will be moments of self-doubt and hurdles. But remember, these obstacles are stepping stones on your path, each leading you closer to understanding, loving, and respecting yourself.

To help you navigate these challenges, I invite you to listen to Season 2 of the QTO – Queen Talk Only Podcast. Titled “Embrace Your Crown, Empower Your Reign,” this podcast is all about empowering you, helping you step into your full potential, and live a life of purpose, confidence, and self-love.

In each episode of QTO, we delve deep into topics that inspire and uplift. We talk about self-love, motivation, overcoming obstacles, building strong relationships, and much more. But the most significant part is – we want to hear from you.

Your story is unique, inspiring, and powerful. By sharing it, you have the potential to uplift others, encouraging them on their journey. So, I invite you to join us on the QTO – Queen Talk Only Podcast. Text 267-571-6689 or email [email protected] to schedule your interview.

Every queen and king has a story to share, an insight to offer. Together, we can create a community where we support each other, learn from each other, and uplift each other. So, step forward, claim your spotlight, and let your voice be heard.

Remember, your journey is your own, unique and beautiful. Respect it, love it, and never hesitate to say ‘no’ when you need to. Because ‘no’ is a complete sentence, a powerful affirmation of self-love and respect.

In closing, I send you love and light, reminding you that you are a queen or king, deserving of respect, love, and happiness. Keep shining, keep growing, and remember to say ‘no’ when you need to.

Call Wintress Patrice Now