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The Pillars of Healthy Relationships: Building Each Other Up

Hello everyone,

It’s Wintress Patrice here, your trusted Certified NLP Life Coach from IAWP Life Coaching, LLC. Today, I am excited to share my thoughts on a theme that resonates deeply with me, “A healthy relationship is comprised of two people building each other up, not tearing each other down.” This principle extends beyond romantic partnerships and applies to all types of relationships we nurture throughout our lives – with friends, colleagues, family members, and even with ourselves.

Foundations of a Healthy Relationship

Picture a relationship as a house. Just as a house needs strong pillars to stand tall and firm, a healthy relationship also requires certain essential elements to thrive and flourish. One of the most critical pillars in this construct is the ability to build each other up.

What does it mean to build each other up? It’s more than just offering praise or celebrating each other’s accomplishments, although those things are important. It means encouraging each other to grow, become better versions of ourselves, and move towards our life goals. It’s about being the cheerleaders in each other’s lives, offering constructive criticism when needed, and helping each other rise above challenges and adversities.

The Power of Positive Reinforcement

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers valuable insights into understanding and shaping human behavior. As an NLP Life Coach, I often emphasize the importance of positive reinforcement – acknowledging and encouraging positive behaviors and attitudes. This approach has transformative power within relationships, contributing to a healthier and more positive dynamic between the individuals involved.

When you cheer on your partner, celebrate their accomplishments, show appreciation for their efforts, and give them the confidence to explore their potential, you are effectively ‘building them up.’ This not only strengthens the bond between you but also nurtures a positive and progressive environment that fosters growth and happiness.

The Destructiveness of Negative Patterns

On the contrary, ‘tearing each other down,’ whether through constant criticism, belittling, or making the other person feel inadequate or unworthy, can be devastating. These negative patterns not only erode trust and goodwill but also stifle growth, breed resentment, and ultimately weaken the relationship’s foundations.

Remember, when you’re in a relationship, you’re in the same team. You should be lifting each other up, not putting each other down. While it’s perfectly okay and healthy to have disagreements, they should be managed respectfully and constructively. It’s important to communicate openly, to listen, and to empathize with each other.

Building a Nurturing Environment

A relationship should provide a nurturing environment where both individuals can grow, learn, and become the best versions of themselves. This includes respecting each other’s individuality, recognizing each other’s strengths, and supporting each other’s ambitions and dreams.

Moreover, a crucial aspect of building each other up is acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has room to grow. Being compassionate, patient, and understanding when your partner stumbles, and celebrating their wins, big or small, will make a world of difference in fostering a supportive, healthy relationship.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, a healthy relationship is a labor of love that requires constant effort from both parties involved. It thrives on mutual respect, understanding, open communication, and, most importantly, on the principle of building each other up, not tearing each other down.

The relationships we build are the most significant investments we make in our lives. Let’s ensure that they are healthy, uplifting, and rewarding.

Always remember, you have the power to build a beautiful, supportive, and fulfilling relationship that enriches your life and the lives of those around you.

Love & Light,

Wintress Patrice,
Your Certified NLP Life Coach oxox

Loving Unconditionally: Embracing Our Closest Relationships and Ourselves

By Wintress Patrice, Certified NLP Life Coach

Unconditional love is one of the most profound feelings we can experience. It is pure, unadulterated affection without any expectation of reciprocation, without limits, and without demands. It’s a selfless act of adoration for those close to us, and equally, it is a transformative way of treating ourselves. In this article, we will explore the essence of unconditional love, how to practice it with those closest to us, and how to cultivate this love within ourselves.

The Essence of Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is like the limitless sky or the vast ocean. There is no beginning or end, no constraint or condition. It is the kind of love that sees past flaws and imperfections, appreciating the person beneath without judgment or criticism. Unconditional love creates an emotional safe space for individuals to express themselves without fear of rejection.

Loving Your Closest People Unconditionally

Loving someone unconditionally requires strength, patience, and a deep understanding of the self and others. Here are some ways to practice this form of love:

1. Acceptance: The first step in loving unconditionally is accepting people as they are, not as we wish they would be. Understand that everyone has unique traits, behaviors, and feelings. Embrace their individuality without trying to change them.

2. Empathy: Put yourself in their shoes. Try to understand their experiences, emotions, and perspectives. This understanding can lead to a deeper connection and a more profound love.

3. Patience: Love is patient. It understands that people make mistakes, and rather than react with anger or disappointment, responds with forgiveness and guidance.

4. Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial in all relationships. Express your feelings, expectations, and concerns openly, but always with kindness and respect.

5. Consistency: Show your love consistently, even during challenging times. This is the true test of unconditional love – standing firm even when the winds of life are blowing hard.

The Art of Self-Love

Just as we must love others unconditionally, we must also treat ourselves with the same kindness and grace. The love we show ourselves sets the tone for how we love others. Below are some ways to practice self-love:

1. Self-Acceptance: You must embrace your authentic self, with all your strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has flaws, and acknowledging them is not an act of self-degradation but a step towards self-awareness and growth.

2. Self-Care: Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in activities that rejuvenate you and make you feel good about yourself.

3. Positive Affirmations: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Regularly remind yourself of your worth, achievements, and capabilities.

4. Set Healthy Boundaries: Understand your limits and learn to say no. Protecting your peace and personal space is an act of self-love.

5. Forgive Yourself: You will make mistakes, and that’s okay. Use them as lessons, not as reasons for self-punishment. Forgive yourself and move forward.


Loving unconditionally doesn’t mean you should allow yourself or others to be mistreated. It means accepting and loving in spite of flaws, without expectations, and remaining patient and consistent in your affection. To genuinely love others unconditionally, you must begin by loving yourself unconditionally, creating a healthy, harmonious balance that enriches your life and those you hold dear.

Remember, love is a journey, not a destination. There will be roadblocks, detours, and speed bumps along the way. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and deepening your capacity for unconditional love.

Through coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), we can better understand our patterns of thought, behavior, and feelings towards ourselves and others, aiding in our journey of unconditional love. As an NLP Life Coach, I invite you to join me on this path of self-discovery, empathy, acceptance, and, ultimately, unconditional love.

Harness Your Inner Strength: Don’t Let Negative Energy Affect You

Hello friends,

It’s Wintress Patrice here, your certified NLP Life Coach and founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC. Today, I would like to speak to you about an issue that touches us all at different points in our lives: the energy of negative people and its impact on us.

Throughout life, we invariably encounter people and situations that radiate negativity. It might be a disparaging comment, a cynical attitude, or a general aura of pessimism. These instances can drain us emotionally and may even tarnish our perception of self-worth. However, it is important to remember that our worth is not defined by external forces or opinions; it is self-determined, driven by our inner strength, resilience, and inherent value.

Understanding Negative Energy

First and foremost, let’s understand what we mean by “negative energy”. It isn’t about disliking someone or having a disagreement. Negative energy is a pervasive aura of cynicism, constant criticism, and detrimental attitudes that can impact our mood, self-esteem, and overall quality of life.

Some people might emit this energy due to their struggles or because they’re stuck in their own negativity. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to realize that their negativity doesn’t have to become your negativity.

Shielding Yourself from Negativity

As you navigate through life, it’s essential to construct an emotional shield that can deflect negativity. This doesn’t mean cutting all ties with those who exude negative energy; instead, it means setting healthy boundaries and ensuring that their energy doesn’t penetrate your personal space.

You are not obligated to carry the weight of others’ negativity. Protect your emotional well-being by distancing yourself from harmful energy and surrounding yourself with positive influences. This might be spending time with loved ones who uplift you, pursuing hobbies that make you happy, or simply finding tranquility in solitude.

Remember Your Value

Remember that your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. You are a unique, invaluable individual. You have your strengths, talents, and abilities that make you who you are. Do not let someone’s negative energy make you question your worth.

In the face of negativity, remind yourself of your accomplishments and strengths. Treat yourself with kindness and respect, just as you would treat a cherished friend. Validate your feelings and experiences; you have the right to feel good about who you are and what you’ve achieved.

Cultivating Positivity

Instead of absorbing negative energy, aim to be a beacon of positivity. Practice gratitude, be kind to yourself and others, and strive to view situations from a perspective of growth and opportunity. As you exude positivity, you will attract more positive energy into your life.

Finally, remember, it is not about avoiding all negativity but learning to manage it. It is about staying true to yourself and maintaining your peace of mind amid challenging situations. Be the master of your energy, and don’t let external forces steal your joy or disrupt your tranquility.

Hold tight to your own worth, for your value is decided by you and no one else. And when you fully comprehend this, you’ll find that you are not just surviving in a world filled with negative and positive energies, but thriving and illuminating your path, and possibly, the paths of others.

Love and light,

Wintress Patrice, Your Certified NLP Life Coach oxox

The Power of Disconnecting: Reclaiming Your Real World

Hello, beautiful people. This is Wintress Patrice, your Certified NLP Life Coach and founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC. Today, I want to share an important message with you – a message about the importance of detaching from our digital screens and immersing ourselves in the splendor of the real world.

We live in a time of incredible technological advancements, where it’s easy to feel as though we’re spinning within a digital whirlwind. Whether it’s through our work, social media, or personal interests, we often find ourselves tethered to the digital world. But as amazing as our digital landscape can be, it can also pull us away from the real world and the moments that truly make life worthwhile.

The Need for a Digital Detox

We, as humans, were not designed for a digital existence. We thrive on human interaction, on the feel of the sun on our skin, the aroma of a fresh cup of coffee, the soft texture of grass under our feet, the beautiful sounds of nature, and the profound peace found in silent reflection. These are not just poetic whimsies, but essential aspects of a healthy, fulfilling life.

Studies suggest that excessive screen time can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and even physical ailments like eye strain and headaches. Not to mention, it can also rob us of our most precious resource – time. Time that could be spent nurturing relationships, exploring new hobbies, or simply being present in the moment.

The Beauty of Presence

Being present is about more than just being physically in a place – it’s about engaging fully, with all your senses and emotions. It’s about cherishing the journey of life, acknowledging and appreciating the beauty in every moment.

Think about it – when was the last time you watched a sunset without feeling the need to capture it for your social media followers? Or enjoyed a meal without snapping a picture for Instagram? Or had a meaningful conversation without any digital interruptions?

When we’re fully present, we allow ourselves to experience life on a whole different level. We find joy in the simple things, the small moments that we might have overlooked before. This is self-care, this is self-love.

Are You Spending Too Much Time in the Digital World?

If you’re unsure whether your digital habits might be encroaching on your real-world experiences, here’s a simple exercise you can try:

  1. Over the next week, track your screen time. Most smartphones have built-in screen time tracking, but if yours doesn’t, there are several apps available that can help. Remember, it’s not just about the total time spent, but also when and how you’re using your digital devices.
  2. At the end of the week, review your data. Were you surprised by how much time you spent in the digital world? Do you notice patterns in your usage? For example, are you checking your phone first thing in the morning, or using it as a crutch during times of stress or boredom?
  3. Ask yourself: “What would I love to do with this time instead?” Would you read that book you’ve been meaning to? Spend quality time with loved ones? Meditate or practice yoga? Cook a delicious meal?
  4. Use your answers to create a plan for the next week. Dedicate time to disconnecting and doing the things you love. Then, notice how this shift in focus affects your wellbeing.

Embracing the Journey

Disconnecting from the digital world and living in the moment is a journey of self-love and self-care. Remember, this journey is unique to each of us, so it’s important to go at your own pace, be patient with yourself, and celebrate small victories.

In the end, it’s about more than just reducing screen time – it’s about reclaiming your time and using it to live a richer, more fulfilling life. It’s about learning to love and appreciate the beauty of your journey, one present moment at a time.

I hope this message inspires you to embrace the beautiful world that exists beyond the digital screens. May you find joy, peace, and fulfillment in each moment of your life.

Love & Light,
Wintress Patrice, Your Certified NLP Life Coach oxox

Finding Your Perfect Fit: The Tale of The Crown

By Wintress Patrice

Hello, Beautiful Queens! This is Wintress Patrice, your Certified NLP Life Coach and Founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC. Today, I’d like to talk about a crown, not just any crown, but the one we wear as women, as nurturers, as leaders, and as symbols of strength. There is a quote by Pearl Bailey that has always resonated with me, “A crown, if it hurts us, is not worth wearing.” This statement holds profound wisdom that merits our attention.

There was a time in my life when my crown was hurting my head. It was heavy, uncomfortable, and ill-fitting. As I looked in the mirror, I realized it wasn’t the crown that was custom created for me. Instead, it was a crown crafted by societal expectations, family pressures, and norms that were thrust upon me. It wasn’t my crown.

As women, we often speak proudly about wearing our crowns. We use it as a metaphor for our roles and responsibilities, our achievements, and our inner strength. But how often do we consider the weight of the crowns we bear? How frequently do we stop to question whether the crown we wear has been custom-made to fit our unique dimensions, or if it’s a one-size-fits-all piece that’s causing us discomfort?

Recognizing when our crown doesn’t serve us anymore is a process that requires introspection and courage. It may mean acknowledging that we’ve outgrown the expectations of others, or that those expectations were never ours to begin with. It might involve standing up to societal norms and daring to define success, happiness, and fulfillment on our own terms.

Queens, I urge you to remember this: When your crown feels heavy, it’s okay to take it off. It’s okay to seek out a crown that suits you better, one that complements your personal values, goals, and unique individuality. Find a crown that doesn’t just sit on your head but fits you perfectly and elevates your spirit.

As we navigate our journeys, let’s also remember that we’re not alone. There’s another quote that I hold dear, “Real queens straighten each other’s crowns.” This means that we should not only be there for ourselves but also for the other queens in our lives. We should support, uplift, and encourage each other. We should create a circle of empowerment where we can safely adjust our crowns without judgment or criticism, in a space where love, respect, and understanding thrive.

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my thoughts today. If you feel that your crown doesn’t fit you anymore or you’re unsure of how to find the one that does, please remember that IAWP Life Coaching, LLC is here for you. We provide personalized services designed to help you define your own success, create your own crown, and live a life filled with purpose and joy.

I encourage you to like, share, save, and comment on this article. Your insights and experiences can inspire and uplift other queens who may be wearing a heavy crown. Follow me, Wintress Patrice, on Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn, where I share more empowering content designed to inspire and guide you in your journey.

To all the Beautiful Queens out there, remember: Your crown is not defined by others, but by you. Choose the one that enhances your beauty, inner strength, and unique brilliance.

As always, Light & Love,


Wintress Patrice

Wintress Patrice’s Journey: Finding Strength and Inspiration in the Life of Tina Turner

By Wintress Patrice

May 24, 2023

In a world where music has the power to touch our souls and transcend barriers, there are certain artists who leave an indelible mark on our lives. Tina Turner, the Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll, was one such artist whose life and legacy continue to inspire millions. As a certified NLP Life Coach and a survivor of domestic violence, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the profound impact Tina Turner’s story had on my own journey of healing and empowerment.

The recent passing of Tina Turner has left a void in the music industry and in the hearts of her fans worldwide. Her powerful voice, electrifying stage presence, and unmistakable energy made her an icon of resilience and strength. Beyond her immense talent as a performer, Tina Turner’s personal story of triumph over adversity became a source of hope for countless individuals facing their own struggles.

For me, the movie “What’s Love Got To Do With It,” which depicted Tina Turner’s life, became a lifeline during my darkest moments. As a survivor of domestic violence, I found solace and inspiration in witnessing Tina’s courage and determination to break free from the chains of abuse. Her story served as a constant reminder that I too had the strength to reclaim my life and create a better future.

Throughout the film, Tina Turner’s resilience shines through as she rises above the pain and finds her voice. The movie became a powerful catalyst for my own healing journey. Watching Tina’s transformation, from a victim of domestic violence to a powerful force in the music industry, filled me with a renewed sense of possibility. It instilled in me the belief that no matter how dire our circumstances may seem, we have the power to overcome and create the life we deserve.

Tina Turner’s story resonated deeply with me as I navigated the difficult path of healing and rebuilding. Her ability to speak openly about her experiences and her unwavering determination to create a better life for herself and her children became a beacon of hope. Through her music, she expressed the emotions and struggles that many survivors of domestic violence face, reminding us that we are not alone.

As a certified NLP Life Coach, I draw inspiration from Tina Turner’s resilience and use it as a guiding light to help others on their own journeys. Her courage to share her story and her unwavering belief in herself have become powerful tools in my coaching practice. I encourage my clients to find their own voices, reclaim their power, and create lives free from abuse.

In honor of Queen Tina Turner, it is crucial that we foster a supportive environment for survivors of domestic violence. It is our responsibility to listen, believe, and uplift those who have experienced trauma. If you or someone you know is in need of help, please reach out to the domestic violence hotline at the National Domestic Violence hotline at . Remember, support and understanding can make a world of difference.

Queen Tina Turner, your legacy will forever resonate in our hearts. Your courage, resilience, and authenticity have inspired countless individuals, including myself, to find their strength and reclaim their lives. Rest in Peace, dear Queen. Your music will continue to touch the souls of generations to come.

With love and gratitude,

Wintress Patrice

Certified NLP Life Coach

When You Love Yourself Unconditionally, How Do You Move Your Body?

By Wintress Patrice, Certified NLP Life Coach

Unconditional self-love is an exploration, a journey, and a destination. It has the power to alter the entire landscape of our existence, manifesting in our actions, thoughts, and physical movements. When we foster an environment of self-love, we engage with our bodies in a novel and powerful way. Today, I want to explore the transformative intersection between self-love and body movement.

Grammy-winning artist Lizzo, a vocal advocate for self-love and body positivity, provides us with an insightful mantra, “I am my inspiration, I am my inspiration” (from her song “Water Me”). This line speaks volumes about the powerful relationship between self-perception, self-love, and embodiment.

The Dance of Self-Love

When we love ourselves unconditionally, our bodies become an outward expression of this profound internal emotion. We engage in movement with a newfound sense of joy and freedom, because every motion is now an affirmation of our worth, rather than a negation of perceived flaws.

When we fully accept and love ourselves, our posture improves, our steps become more purposeful, and our actions reflect the respect we hold for our bodies. We become more attuned to our physical needs, listening attentively to our bodies’ signals of fatigue, hunger, tension, and relaxation.

The Rhythm of Authenticity

Unconditional self-love encourages us to move our bodies authentically, breaking free from societal norms and expectations. Just like Lizzo, who confidently takes the stage and moves in ways that showcase her personality, energy, and talent, we too can be unapologetically ourselves in our body movements.

We learn to dance, walk, run, jump, and play, not to conform to a standard or to be perceived a certain way, but simply to express the rhythm of our being. This authenticity shines through in our every move, showing the world who we are: individuals who love and accept ourselves wholeheartedly.

Exercise as Self-Love

Another way our movement reflects self-love is through our approach to exercise. Physical activity becomes less about trying to fit into societal ideals, and more about appreciating and caring for our bodies. Exercise shifts from a punitive chore to a celebratory act of self-love.

Instead of pushing through pain or discomfort to achieve a certain look, we learn to move in ways that feel good and serve our bodies well. We choose activities that we enjoy, not what we believe we ‘should’ do. We listen to our bodies, rest when we need to, and challenge ourselves when we feel strong. This approach turns exercise from a struggle into a joyful act of self-care.

Embracing Body Positivity

In the words of Lizzo, “I am my inspiration.” Loving ourselves unconditionally means seeing ourselves as sources of inspiration. This transformative perspective extends to our bodies and how we move them.

Lizzo’s unabashed body positivity and confident movements on stage reflect the core of her message: that we should all be our own biggest fans. When we internalize this mindset, it directly impacts the way we carry ourselves. We stop trying to shrink or hide ourselves and instead start taking up space confidently, unafraid to be seen or to stand out.


The journey to unconditional self-love isn’t linear or easy. It requires patience, practice, and a lot of kindness. Yet, its impact on our lives, and particularly on our relationship with our bodies, is profound.

When we love ourselves unconditionally, every step we take, every dance move we bust out, every yoga pose we hold, becomes an act of self-love and a celebration of our existence. We become the embodiment of Lizzo’s mantra, “I am my inspiration,” inspiring ourselves and others to embrace self-love unconditionally.

Remember: You are deserving of love, from others and, most importantly, from yourself. Love yourself, move your body with joy and authenticity, and let your self-love guide your way.

Embracing Individuality and Authentic Success: A Deeper Look at Maya Angelou’s Wise Words

Author: Wintress Patrice, Certified NLP Life Coach

Success is an elusive and subjective concept that varies from person to person. While some may measure it in terms of wealth, career, or societal status, Maya Angelou, the renowned poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, provided a deeper, more personal definition. “Success,” she said, “is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

At first glance, Angelou’s words may seem straightforward, but each element of this tripartite definition holds profound truths about the path to authentic success. Her wisdom emphasizes that success is more than achievements or accolades; it’s an intimate journey of self-acceptance, passion, and individuality. This perspective beautifully aligns with my belief as an NLP Life Coach: that each person is uniquely gifted for their journey.

Liking Yourself: The Foundation of Success

The journey to success starts from within. Liking yourself, or self-acceptance, is the bedrock upon which all other facets of success are built. It’s about acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, your virtues and vices, your triumphs and tribulations, and embracing them all. This self-love isn’t about perfection, but about recognizing your inherent worth regardless of external validation.

Indeed, this can be a challenging path, especially in a world that often promotes comparison and unrealistic standards. However, an understanding that no one else is you, that no one else can bring what you bring to the table, can act as a compass guiding you towards self-acceptance.

As a Certified NLP Life Coach, I often remind my clients that they are “uniquely gifted for their journey.” This principle encourages you to focus on your uniqueness rather than comparing yourself to others. This isn’t a race; it’s your journey, and the first step to true success is loving the traveler: you.

Liking What You Do: The Power of Passion

Angelou’s second component to success speaks to the power of passion. It’s about loving what you do, whether it’s your career, your hobby, or your role in your family or community. To be successful is to be passionately engaged with your work, to feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment in the activities that fill your days.

Remember, there’s no universally ‘right’ career or pursuit; there’s only what’s right for you. As an NLP Life Coach, I help individuals unlock their passions, identifying their unique gifts and leveraging them in the service of a purpose that excites them. When you align your work with your passions, you invite success into your life in the most gratifying way.

Liking How You Do It: The Art of Individuality

Finally, Angelou ties her definition of success to liking “how you do it.” Here, she celebrates the beauty of individuality. Every person has a unique approach to their work, a distinctive style, or a novel perspective. Embracing this individuality is paramount to personal success.

Success isn’t about following a set script or conforming to societal expectations. It’s about crafting your own path, doing things in a way that feels true to you. Your unique methods and approaches are your signature, your personal brand.

By marrying your unique gifts and skills with your individual approach, you make an indelible imprint on your journey towards success. It doesn’t matter if others follow a different path or use different methods. You are not them, and they are not you.

This individuality should be celebrated, not suppressed. As Angelou suggests, the most satisfying success comes when we appreciate our unique way of doing things. In essence, success isn’t just about the destination, but also about enjoying the journey in our unique style.


Maya Angelou’s vision of success is a testament to the power of self-love, passion, and individuality. It is a reminder that success is deeply personal, entirely subjective, and intrinsically connected to our unique journey.

As an NLP Life Coach, my mission is to guide you to recognize and celebrate your unique gifts, to foster a sense of self-love, and to align your passions with your pursuits. Remember, no one else is you, and that’s your greatest strength. So go forth and cultivate your unique version of success. In the wise words of Maya Angelou, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Embrace this mantra and the journey towards authentic success becomes not just achievable, but incredibly rewarding.

Does it Consist of Self-Care? Understanding the Importance of Positive Self-Talk as a Form of Self-Love

Self-care: a term that has permeated mainstream discussions around wellness and mental health in recent years. We’ve grown to understand that it isn’t just about bubble baths and spa days. It is an expansive concept, embracing various practices centered on fostering physical health, psychological wellness, emotional balance, and spiritual nourishment. The embodiment of self-care spans the spectrum, from maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise to engaging in activities that promote mental peace and emotional stability. However, an equally crucial and often undervalued aspect of self-care revolves around our internal dialogue: positive self-talk. This article focuses on the significance of positive self-talk as a potent form of self-care and self-love.

Positive self-talk is an essential tool in our self-care arsenal. It influences our state of mind, guides our behaviors, and ultimately shapes our reality. The narratives we tell ourselves can either uplift our spirits or pull us down into despair. If our inner dialogue is negative, we become trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, where our own thoughts become our worst enemies. Conversely, if we engage in positive self-talk, we open doors to a brighter, more optimistic outlook on life, and become our own best friends.

Before diving into the ways to harness positive self-talk as a form of self-care, it is essential to understand what positive self-talk is. In simplest terms, it is the act of offering kind, uplifting, and affirmative words to oneself. It involves consciously shifting the narrative from self-doubt, self-criticism, and pessimism to self-affirmation, self-encouragement, and optimism.

So, how does one cultivate this practice?

  1. Mindfulness: Start by being mindful of your thoughts. It’s easy to let negative self-talk slip into your consciousness unnoticed, subtly undermining your self-esteem. Take time to pause, reflect, and identify your internal dialogue.
  2. Reframe Negative Thoughts: When you notice negative self-talk, don’t ignore it, but instead confront and reframe it. Transform “I can’t do this” into “This is challenging, but I can manage it step by step.”
  3. Affirmations: Use positive affirmations regularly. These are statements that reinforce your self-worth, abilities, and aspirations. Examples include “I am capable,” “I am resilient,” or “I am worthy of success and happiness.”
  4. Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. It’s easy to be your harshest critic, but self-love calls for self-compassion. Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes; they are part of the learning process.
  5. Gratitude: Practice gratitude. Rather than focusing on what’s going wrong, identify what’s going right in your life. This shift can help foster a more positive and appreciative mindset.

Positive self-talk is a significant part of self-care as it directly influences our mental and emotional wellbeing. It affects our self-esteem, confidence, creativity, resilience, and overall outlook on life. It also improves our relationships with others, because as we learn to love and respect ourselves more, we tend to love and respect others more.

However, cultivating positive self-talk is not about ignoring reality or bypassing negative emotions. It’s about acknowledging our feelings, our struggles, and our pain, but choosing not to let them define us. It’s about taking control of our narrative and steering it towards optimism, resilience, and self-love.

Engaging in positive self-talk as a form of self-care is transformative. It has the potential to

usher in more profound changes in our lives than we could ever anticipate. Our brains believe what we tell them consistently, and as we cultivate a habit of positive self-talk, we rewire our brains to foster a more positive mindset, a mindset that can withstand setbacks, navigate life’s challenges, and ultimately, lead to a happier, healthier existence.

In conclusion, the type of self-care you practice should be as unique as you are, meeting your specific needs. Positive self-talk, a potent form of self-care, is a lifelong journey, and it requires consistency and patience. But the rewards — improved mental health, a boost in self-esteem, increased resilience, and a more fulfilling life — are well worth the effort. Let’s all strive to be the authors of our own narratives, painting them with the vibrant colors of positivity, resilience, and self-love.

Unleashing Your Authentic Self: Embracing the Power Within

Hello Beautiful Souls, this is Wintress Patrice, your Certified NLP Life Coach. I am here today to share a truth that is incredibly close to my heart and vital for you to know and believe in – you are the only person capable of being the best and most authentic version of you. In the vast universe, there is only one ‘You,’ and your uniqueness is your superpower.

You may have heard this many times, but the depth of this statement is beyond comprehension. There is an ocean of potential, creativity, and beauty residing within you. The only way to tap into this boundless reservoir is to wholly and fully accept yourself, with all your strengths, your weaknesses, your imperfections, and your qualities.

Value Your Heart’s Worth

Dear soul, you must understand that you never have to accept less than what your heart is worth. There may be times when life throws challenges at you that make you question your worth or even your existence. Remember, these are not reflections of your value but simply tests of your resilience. Trust me, you are more valuable than you believe.

Cultivate Joy, Always

Finding joy should be a significant priority in your life. Start finding ways to feel good, and don’t apologize for it. Your happiness should never be a source of guilt or confusion. Cultivate joy like you’re tending a garden; nurture it, feed it, let it grow. The more joy you breed, the more it spreads, lighting up your life and the lives of those around you.

Water Yourself Daily

A tree cannot grow without water, sunlight, and good soil. Similarly, you cannot grow if you do not nurture yourself. Water yourself daily with love, kindness, and positivity. Imbibe a growth mindset and remember that growth involves being comfortable with discomfort. Embrace the changes and challenges that come your way as opportunities for personal evolution.

Believe in Your Power

Here is a secret I want you to know – You are full of magic! Yes, you heard it right. You have the power to do things beyond your wildest imaginations. The catch is – you must believe in your power. Believing in yourself is the first step towards achieving anything you set your mind to.

You Are Beautiful, Just the Way You Are

Every piece of you is a burst of beautiful. Each fragment of your soul carries a unique beauty that is exclusively yours. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Your beauty is not confined to physical appearance; it extends to your kind heart, your warm smile, your gentle nature, and your resilient spirit.

The Only Opinion That Truly Matters

At the end of the day, the only person whose opinion genuinely matters is yours. Others can guide you, advise you, appreciate you, or criticize you, but you have the final say in determining your worth, your path, and your destiny. Do not let the noise of the world drown out your inner voice. Listen to it, trust it, and let it guide you to your truest self.

The Life You’ve Always Imagined

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of our dreams. But remember, you have the power to live the life you’ve always imagined. You possess the strength to overcome obstacles, the courage to face adversities, and the wisdom to make the right choices. Believe in your potential, embrace your authentic self, and start living your dream life.

Embrace this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Remember, you are not alone in this process. As your life coach, I am here to guide you, support you, and celebrate with you every step of the way. You are

beautiful, powerful, and deserving of the best that life has to offer. Believe in yourself, dear soul, and watch the magic unfold.

The Power of New Beginnings: Rewriting Your Life Story

Hello Beautiful Souls,

This is Wintress Patrice, your trusted and certified NLP Life Coach. Today, I’m going to share some powerful insights on the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

When we face adversities, it can feel like we are lost within the chapters of a book that seems to have no end. We sometimes fall into the trap of believing that our current chapter is the entirety of our story. Yet, I implore you to remember this powerful truth: Don’t mistake a chapter of your life for the whole story.

Every book has its ebbs and flows, its trials and triumphs, its villains and heroes. We’re no different. Our lives are the grandest books of all, filled with moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. But just as each chapter in a book contributes to the overall plot, so does each phase of our lives add to our personal growth and development. Remember, a difficult chapter doesn’t define the book; it simply leads to a compelling turning point.

It’s important to note, however, that you’re not merely a character in your life story – you are the author. This implies that you hold the pen; you have the power to alter the narrative, the plot, and the ultimate ending of your life. You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it, strong enough to endure its challenges, and most importantly, strong enough to change it.

Perhaps there’s a part of your life that you’re not happy with. Maybe you’ve lost your way, or you’ve stumbled, or you’re simply seeking a fresh start. My message to you is this: Don’t be afraid of new beginnings.

There’s a common misconception that new beginnings can only occur at certain milestones – the start of a new year, a new job, or a new relationship. But the truth is that new beginnings can happen at any moment. Right now. Today. This very second. The best time for new beginnings is always now.

In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), we explore the power of language and thought patterns to transform our lives. Through this transformative tool, you can learn how to shift your mindset, reframe your narrative, and create the change you seek. You possess all the power you need to write a new chapter, to change your story, and to redefine your life.

In the grand tale of your existence, each moment is a stroke of the pen, each decision a turn of the page. So, consider this: if your life were a book, what story do you want to tell? What legacy do you want to leave behind?

As we step into tomorrow, let’s step into new possibilities. Even if the current chapter seems challenging, have faith that you are not stuck in it. Be open to the growth that comes with discomfort, believe in your ability to change, and never underestimate the power you have to start anew.

Remember, you are not defined by a single chapter in your life. You are a beautiful compilation of experiences, emotions, and growth. Let the plot thicken, let the characters develop, let the story unfold.

Keep on writing, Beautiful Souls, for your story is far from over. As long as you’re breathing, your book is still being written. And believe me, the world can’t wait to read your masterpiece.

Believe in new possibilities, embrace the best time for new beginnings, which is now, and never forget: You have all the power you need to change your story.

With love and light,

Wintress Patrice
Certified NLP Life Coach

Dear Beautiful Souls: Embracing Self-Love, Self-Worth, and the Life of Your Dreams

Dear Beautiful Souls,

Today, I want to share a powerful message that resonates deep within me and has the potential to transform your life. It’s about self-love, self-worth, and the incredible journey of living the life of your dreams. Life may throw obstacles our way, but it’s up to us to rise above them and claim our own happiness. As a Certified NLP Life Coach, I am here to guide you on this empowering path of self-discovery and personal growth.

No one is coming to save me, I have to save myself. All I have is me.

~Wintress Patrice

In a world where we often seek external validation and support, it’s essential to remind ourselves that the power to change and create the life we desire lies within us. We are our own heroes, capable of saving ourselves from any situation. This empowering concept reminds us that we hold the key to our own happiness and success.

The only thing I truly have in this universe is me. We are born into this world alone, and we will depart from it alone. In the grand scheme of things, the only constant presence in our lives is ourselves. While external relationships and experiences enrich our journey, it is crucial to cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness and self-love. Embracing the fact that all we truly have is ourselves allows us to take ownership of our lives and make decisions that align with our authentic selves.

Deep within our minds, there resides a version of ourselves that is pure, resilient, and infinitely beautiful. It is the essence of who we are, untainted by self-doubt or societal expectations. This version of ourselves is waiting to be embraced and unleashed upon the world. Recognizing the incredible potential within us helps us tap into our inner strength and navigate life’s challenges with grace and determination. That’s the me that this world is waiting for!

The world is eagerly waiting for us to step into our authentic selves and share our unique gifts. The qualities that make us who we are, including our passions, talents, and perspectives, have the power to inspire and positively impact those around us. When we fully embrace our true selves, we radiate a magnetic energy that attracts opportunities and like-minded souls who resonate with our authentic expression.

I just need to make sure that the me I see is the same one the world sees

~Wintress Patrice

Creating alignment between the version of ourselves we perceive internally and the image we project to the world is an essential step toward living an authentic and fulfilling life. It involves embracing our strengths, working on areas of growth, and aligning our actions with our values. As a Certified NLP Life Coach, I am here to support you on this journey, providing guidance, tools, and techniques to bridge the gap between your internal and external self.

Dear Beautiful Souls, it is time to embark on a transformational journey of self-love, self-worth, and living the life of your dreams. Remember, no one can save you but yourself, and all you truly have in this universe is you. Embrace the amazing, beautiful person within, and let the world witness the brilliance that only you can offer.

If you’re ready to unlock your full potential, explore my services as a Certified NLP Life Coach. Together, we can overcome any obstacles and create a life that is true to who you are. Let’s embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery and transformation. Let’s get it!

#LetsGetIt #iAmWintressPatrice #IAWPLifeCoaching

Reframing Happiness After 45: Checking Off Bucket List Items and Prioritizing Mental and Emotional Health

Life is a journey filled with countless ups and downs, twists and turns. As we reach the milestone of 45, it’s only natural to reflect upon our accomplishments, dreams, and the pursuit of happiness. However, it’s essential to redefine what happiness means at this stage of life. By embracing the importance of mental and emotional health, as well as actively checking off items on our bucket list, we can create a fulfilling and joyful existence beyond our wildest dreams.

  1. Redefining Happiness:
    After 45, our priorities and perspectives change. It’s time to break free from societal expectations and reframe what happiness truly means to us individually. Let go of the notion that happiness is solely about material possessions or external achievements. Instead, focus on personal growth, meaningful connections, and a sense of purpose. True happiness lies in finding contentment within ourselves and embracing the present moment.
  2. Checking Off Bucket List Items:
    Many of us have created a bucket list at some point in our lives, filled with dreams and aspirations we hope to fulfill. As we enter this stage, it’s time to dust off that list and start making things happen. Whether it’s traveling to exotic destinations, learning a new skill, or pursuing a passion project, actively working towards our goals can bring immense satisfaction and a renewed zest for life. Embrace the idea that it’s never too late to chase your dreams and turn them into a reality.
  3. Prioritizing Mental and Emotional Health:
    In the pursuit of happiness, it’s crucial to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being. After 45, life tends to become more complex, with added responsibilities and potential challenges. Taking care of ourselves becomes paramount. Make time for self-reflection, engage in activities that bring you joy, and surround yourself with positive influences. Seeking therapy or counseling can also be immensely beneficial, providing a safe space to explore emotions, process past experiences, and develop coping mechanisms for the future.
  4. Cultivating Mindfulness and Gratitude:
    Practicing mindfulness and gratitude can significantly contribute to our overall happiness. Mindfulness helps us stay present, appreciate the little moments, and find peace amidst the chaos. It allows us to savor the journey rather than always focusing on the destination. Gratitude reminds us to be thankful for what we have, fostering a positive mindset and attracting more joy into our lives. Start a daily gratitude journal or incorporate mindfulness exercises into your routine to cultivate these powerful practices.
  5. Embracing Change and Reinvention:
    As we grow older, embracing change becomes essential. Life rarely goes according to plan, and the ability to adapt and reinvent ourselves is vital for continued growth and happiness. Embrace new opportunities, explore different passions, and be open to learning. Embracing change not only keeps life exciting but also enables us to discover new facets of ourselves and unlock hidden potential.

Reframing happiness after 45 involves letting go of societal expectations, prioritizing mental and emotional health, checking off bucket list items, and embracing change and reinvention. By focusing on personal growth, meaningful connections, and self-care, we can create a life filled with joy and fulfillment. Remember, it’s never too late to rewrite your story and redefine what happiness looks like for you. Embrace this new chapter with enthusiasm, and let the pursuit of happiness be a lifelong journey of self-discovery and well-being.

Embrace Unconditional Self-Love and Heal with the Guidance of an NLP Life Coach

Welcome, dear readers, to, where we delve into the transformative power of unconditional self-love and the invaluable support of an NLP Life Coach. In this article, we will explore how Certified NLP Life Coach Wintress Patrice, founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC, can guide you on a remarkable journey of healing and self-discovery. By embracing the essence of self-love and harnessing the incredible techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), you can unlock your full potential and create a life filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

Understanding Unconditional Self-Love:
Self-love is often misconstrued as a selfish or narcissistic trait, but in reality, it forms the foundation of our well-being and personal growth. Unconditional self-love means accepting ourselves, flaws and all, and nurturing a deep sense of compassion, forgiveness, and appreciation for who we are. It involves treating ourselves with kindness, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

The Healing Power of NLP:
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful therapeutic approach that explores the relationship between our thoughts, language, and behaviors. As an NLP Life Coach, Wintress Patrice is equipped with a unique set of skills and tools that can assist you in transforming negative beliefs, habits, and patterns that may be holding you back from living your best life.

Through NLP techniques such as timeline therapy, reframing, and anchoring, Wintress Patrice can help you rewire your subconscious mind and create positive change. NLP empowers you to release past traumas, overcome limiting beliefs, and cultivate empowering thoughts and behaviors. With Wintress Patrice as your guide, you will gain the clarity and confidence necessary to make profound shifts and manifest your deepest desires.

Experience the Difference with Certified NLP Life Coach Wintress Patrice:
Wintress Patrice, the founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC, is a highly skilled and compassionate Certified NLP Life Coach. With her extensive training and experience, she has helped countless individuals embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing. Wintress understands that healing is a holistic process, and she integrates various modalities to tailor her coaching approach to your unique needs.

When you work with Wintress Patrice, you will be met with unwavering support, genuine empathy, and a safe space to explore your deepest fears and desires. She will help you identify and release emotional blocks, develop empowering beliefs, and create a personalized roadmap to success. By combining the power of NLP with her intuitive coaching style, Wintress Patrice will guide you towards lasting transformation, personal growth, and a life of abundant self-love.

Embracing unconditional self-love and seeking the guidance of an NLP Life Coach can be the catalyst for profound healing and personal growth. Through the expertise of Certified NLP Life Coach Wintress Patrice, you can embark on a transformative journey that will enable you to overcome limiting beliefs, release emotional baggage, and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

If you are ready to embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery and healing, I encourage you to reach out to Wintress Patrice at IAWP Life Coaching, LLC. Together, you will unlock your full potential and discover the limitless power of unconditional self-love. Remember, dear readers, you deserve to live a life that is aligned with your highest vision. Take that first step today and embrace the transformative power of NLP Life Coaching with Wintress Patrice

Embracing Self-Love: A Journey of Empowerment for Middle-Aged Women of Color


In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s all too easy to lose sight of ourselves. As middle-aged women of color and beyond, we often find ourselves burdened with societal expectations and stereotypes, leaving little room for self-discovery and self-love. But it’s never too late to embark on a transformative journey, unlearn the limitations imposed upon us, and embrace life on our own terms. Today, let’s explore the beauty of learning to love ourselves unconditionally, setting boundaries, finding power in saying “no,” and embracing change with grace. Join me as we redefine happiness and create a life that resonates with our true selves.

Unlearning and Starting Anew:

Life has a way of teaching us lessons, but sometimes those lessons can be confining. As middle-aged women, we carry a lifetime of experiences, beliefs, and expectations. To embark on a journey of self-love, we must unlearn everything that no longer serves us. It’s time to shed the outdated notions and embrace a fresh start. Embracing change requires courage, but it is through this process that we can discover our authentic selves.

Setting Boundaries and Finding Power in “No”:

Saying “no” can be liberating. It’s a powerful act of self-care and self-preservation. As women, we are often conditioned to be caretakers, saying “yes” to others while neglecting our own needs. However, by setting healthy boundaries and saying “no” when necessary, we regain control over our lives. It may take time to adjust to this newfound power, but it’s an essential step towards self-love and reclaiming our autonomy.

Embracing Physical and Emotional Changes with Grace:

Middle age brings about significant physical and emotional changes. Our bodies may transform, and our perspectives on life may shift. It’s important to approach these changes with grace and acceptance. Instead of resisting them, let us appreciate the beauty of our evolving selves. Our experiences have shaped us into strong and resilient women, and that is something to be celebrated.

Practicing Gratitude and Rediscovering Happiness:

Amidst the challenges and triumphs, it’s crucial to practice gratitude. Taking a moment each day to reflect on the things we are grateful for can bring a renewed sense of joy and contentment. Additionally, it’s important to remember that happiness is not a destination; it’s a journey. Define happiness on your own terms. Discover the activities, relationships, and passions that bring you genuine joy and make them a priority. You deserve to be happy, and you have the power to create a life that fulfills you.


Learning to love ourselves unconditionally as middle-aged women of color and beyond is a transformative journey. It requires unlearning, setting boundaries, embracing change, and redefining happiness. Through it all, remember that you have come a long way, and you deserve to be happy. Embrace the power of saying “no,” find beauty in the physical and emotional changes, and practice gratitude along the way. This is your time to live life on your own terms, to shine in your authenticity, and to create a future that brings you joy. Embrace the journey of self-love and be the empowered woman you were meant to be.

Call Wintress Patrice Now